Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nearly There

Well, last week to get everything done. I'm doing pretty well, I think. I'm more or less done with projects! I created a new YouTube account especially for Digipen/other art and animations for my portfolio, so I uploaded my final project there. And you can see it here.

Not all that impressive for several months of work... but I'm still happy with it. Also I think I neglected to post the character sheet... well that is up in the portfolio section if you want to see it.

Also nearly done with Zbrush. Sculpting is finished, now I'm just compositing some nice character sheets. Part of that is posing. Now posing hasn't been very nice to me in Zbrush. I tried transpose master but that hasn't worked... well... at all. So what I'm doing is importing all the subtools to Max as OBJs, moving them, then import back to Zbrush. Yes, it's a pain. But it's the last option I have and I will make this work! My biped, steampunk dude is all finished. Now I'm posing the quadruped.

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